Blue Monday is a term used for the third Monday of January, proven to be ‘the most depressing day of the year’. This year, it falls on Monday, January 17th. We want to change that, we want to paint Blue Monday… RED, Laughter Lounge Red!
'87% of Irish companies that we surveyed canceled their Christmas party in 2021. Staff morale is at an all time low and we all need a well deserved boost. So, we invented the Gigglebox which has all the elements of a team night at The Laughter Lounge delivered in a box to your door’.
January is the start of a new year, a chance to start again. The smallest gesture can help your team to feel refreshed and rejuvenated…with our GiggleBox! It's full to the brim of booze, sweets and treats including craft beers from Rascal's Brewery, Mil Gin Cocktails, Seven Summits Seltzers, Large bags of Clinton's Crisps, Hilarious bars designed by us from Aine's Chocolates, Sustainable Metal Straws, Lily O'Brien's chocolates and more! Workplace wellbeing needs to become part of your company’s culture.... don't let it fall by the wayside!
“We're the biggest comedy club in Ireland and we feel it’s our duty to make people laugh and so, we invented Gigglebox - an all Irish goodie box that comes with a 1 hour comedy show centered around wellness and of course….craic”
- Peter O’Mahony, Founder of Laughter Lounge
Our GiggleBox is available to book now by calling (01) 878 3003 or by emailing